
Table manners: what are the taboos for Chinese people to use chopsticks

Chopsticks culture has a long history in China. In ancient times, chopsticks culture was called "sheath", which is a part of Chinese food culture and has a unique connotation.
Chopsticks play an important role in Chinese table etiquette culture
But there are some conventional methods and taboos for using chopsticks. Do you know? Let's learn about the taboos of using chopsticks with the economic daily - China Economic Net Fashion Channel: 1. Chopsticks should be placed in order. No matter before or after eating, do not put the chopsticks on the table with different lengths, resulting in "three long and two short" The situation, the moral is very unlucky, this kind of detail is often ignored by many people now
2. Don't use chopsticks to knock pots, pans, and pans, which means "poverty"
Because in the past, only beggars used to knock bowls with chopsticks to attract others' attention.
3. Don't rummage up and down in the dish. You can't wave chopsticks around in the dish. Rummage up and down to find what you want. This is very impolite.
When other people come to pick up the dishes, they should deliberately avoid "chopsticks fight"
4. Don't bite or lick the chopsticks with your mouth. Some people like to lick the attachments left on the chopsticks with their mouth or chew the chopsticks. This is a very impolite behavior, and it will embarrass the little friends who eat together around.
5. Don't point at random with chopsticks. Some people always like to stick out their index finger when they eat. When they invite others to eat or talk with others, they always stick their chopsticks in front of others or stick out their index finger to go back and forth with chopsticks. This is a lack of culture and extremely impolite behavior.
Because usually use the index finger to point at others, have the meaning of criticizing each other
6. Don't use one chopstick to insert food when eating. This kind of behavior is regarded as a kind of a shame to the dining staff.
This kind of behavior is equivalent to extending the middle finger to people in public in Europe, which is extremely impolite.
7. Don't put chopsticks on the rice bowl vertically. When the bowl is full of rice, some people like to put chopsticks on the rice directly for convenience, which will be regarded as disrespectful.
Because it's a folk tradition to do this when offering incense to the dead. If you insert a pair of chopsticks into the center of the meal, it's like cursing the people who eat together, this kind of behavior will never be accepted.
8. Don't cross chopsticks on the table when eating. It means that you are denying others at the same table. It's also a very impolite act to deny yourself.
9. Don't put chopsticks on the rice bowl during the meal. If you don't use chopsticks, for the time being, put them neatly beside the table or the rice bowl. Don't put them directly on the rice bowl to avoid falling on the ground accidentally.
10. When the chopsticks fall to the ground, you must apologize. It is inevitable that the chopsticks fall to the ground carelessly when eating. At this time, you must immediately pick up the chopsticks and apologize to the people at the same table, saying that you are not careful to cause the chopsticks to fall to the ground.
