
Japanese chopsticks are the easiest to learn. Korean chopsticks are the hardest to learn. What about Chinese chopsticks?

Chopsticks are the quintessence of China
It's also known as "Yu", but few people know it in China, but it has survived in Japan. According to historians, the history of using chopsticks in China can be traced back to the Shang Dynasty.
In particular, Japan and South Korea, which are adjacent to China, have gradually formed chopsticks in line with their own national conditions through long-term development while imitating Chinese chopsticks.
Chopsticks are a common dining tool in Southeast Asia. Influenced by ancient Chinese culture, residents of Japan and the Korean Peninsula also learned to eat with chopsticks.
Eating with chopsticks is a kind of culture. Although there is a culture of eating with chopsticks in China, Japan, and South Korea today, chopsticks are not the same among the three countries due to historical reasons and the influence of local environmental factors.
In Japan, chopsticks are very short and sharp. They use wooden chopsticks.
In China, chopsticks are very long and heavy. Chopsticks are usually made of wood. Because of the vast area and different places, plastic chopsticks and metal chopsticks are also used, but few.
In Korea, chopsticks are flat, usually metal chopsticks
Why are chopsticks so far behind? Japanese like to use chopsticks to hold bowls when eating, so they don't need long chopsticks
And the Japanese love to eat fish, because it's more suitable for pickling
Chinese people usually have traditional seats when they eat. The table is large and there are many plates. Because the plates are far away, people use long chopsticks.
Korean chopsticks are neither as long as Chinese chopsticks nor as short as Japanese chopsticks
The Korean table is a small table with short feet. President bin sits on his legs.
It can be said that they are in the middle of the two, but because of the different ingredients, Korean main beans and small plates of kimchi, the chopsticks are more detailed
Which of these three chopsticks is the most difficult for foreigners to use? Japan: because Japanese chopsticks are very short, plus, the wood used to make chopsticks is not very smooth, so it is well controlled. For foreigners, Japanese chopsticks are also the most convenient.
China: because Chinese chopsticks are longer, it's a little harder for foreigners than Japanese chopsticks
Korea: Korean chopsticks are small, heavy and "slippery", so they are the most difficult for foreigners to use
However, if it is easy for a foreigner to use Korean chopsticks, there is absolutely no problem in using Chinese and Japanese chopsticks, so it is clear that Korean chopsticks are the most difficult to use. Japan is the simplest, and Chinese chopsticks are in the middle. Although they are not the simplest, China is the birthplace of chopsticks. It is said that Dayu is the first person to use chopsticks in the world, which is worth mentioning.
After a long history of development, chopsticks also formed a unique custom.
Chinese people are very particular about using chopsticks, including etiquette and taboo
Since childhood, our parents have taught us not to hold chopsticks with our mouths, not to point at others with chopsticks, not to insert chopsticks into rice, which is the etiquette on chopsticks.
There are also many folk taboos related to chopsticks. For example, two chopsticks of different lengths cannot be placed on the table during the dining process, resulting in the situation of "three long and two short"
It's very unlucky, which means "death"; if you use chopsticks to knock on bowls and plates, there will be a saying among the people that "knock on bowls and chopsticks for a lifetime", which means "poverty"
South Korea is also a big chopsticks country
It's just chopsticks that arrive at the peninsula. The people in the peninsula throw away bamboo and wood and make them all metal.
It is said that there is no need for wooden chopsticks and bamboo chopsticks because Peninsula cuisine is "red" and long-term use of wooden chopsticks or bamboo chopsticks will make the head of chopsticks red and will be abandoned. Another reason is that Korean people love to eat barbecue, so they invented the most suitable metal chopsticks for eating barbecue.
The main reason why Korean chopsticks are difficult to use is its shape
Korean chopsticks are not Chinese cylinders, nor Japanese thick and thin, but flat cuboids
It's easy to throw chopsticks out of your hands when you use them for the first time.
To be honest, every time I see the chopsticks used by Koreans, I can't help thinking of the word "Bangzi"... Chopsticks are used in different ways in the three countries
Chinese people have always mixed their families, and their relatives have brought dishes to each other, which is full of family affection.
Japanese families, on the other hand, have their own "special chopsticks" to eat, which should not be used indiscriminately
It's all fixed food, so there's no habit of serving each other.
It's hygienic, but the family is also "Hygienic"
Korean people are very similar to the Chinese people on the table. A meal will be full of family affection. When the feeling is strong, it's the chopsticks.
