
Japanese people pay more attention to eating, and chopsticks are also used with specific etiquette

Since the Tang Dynasty, Japan has learned from much-advanced knowledge of Chinese culture, architecture, diet, and other aspects, integrated into its unique national characteristics, and formed a complete set of a cultural system that now belongs to Japan alone.
Visitors to Japan should know these things. There are specific taboos about the use of chopsticks.
The Japanese also pay much attention to eating. Like the ancient Chinese, they have to take chopsticks in their right hand and carry bowls in their left hand, instead of keeping the bowls on the table and swallowing with their heads down like the Korean
You can't lick chopsticks
The Japanese pay great attention to table manners and the function of chopsticks, mainly to avoid food contacting the hands of the consumers, which is a hygienic configuration.
Licking chopsticks will make the Japanese feel impolite and dirty. For the sake of others' health, please avoid this kind of behavior.
In Japan, using chopsticks to dip in materials cannot be repeated twice
Because after the first time, your chopsticks have a direct connection with your mouth. In order not to affect the food hygiene of fellow travelers, please do not use chopsticks to dip the material for the second time during the eating process.
Like China, when Japanese eat, it is considered disrespectful to stick chopsticks directly on the rice
This kind of operation can only be performed when offering sacrifices to deceased relatives, and it must be avoided.
After dinner, chopsticks should be placed flat on the table. Many restaurants will provide chopsticks stands
If you want to put them on the dishes, please remember to place them in parallel and never cross them.
In addition to the above, it is said that in Japan, there is also a taboo on the use of chopsticks, that is, chopsticks are not allowed to be handed down.
The so-called chopsticks and chopsticks are handed down from generation to generation, which means that when two people are eating, they should not use their own chopsticks to hold food for others and pass it to others' chopsticks. Even if they hold a piece of meat or food at the same time, it will be regarded as unlucky.
If you really want to serve food to others, please put it on a small plate and pass it to them.
There is a link in Japanese funerals: the family will use special chopsticks to transport the ashes into the urn by means of transmission, thus forming such a taboo
