
Japanese chopsticks are of good quality

Japan is a country with a fast pace of life. Many people are too busy to go out to restaurants or eat boxed meals. It has become a habit for a long time.
Since you want to eat, you must use chopsticks
Although the demand for disposable chopsticks in Japan is very large, the chopsticks produced in Japan can not be sold. Why? As we all know, Japan is a country with a narrow territory and very poor natural resources. However, as far as timber is concerned, Japan's forest retention rate can be ranked at the top, which is one of the few forest countries in the world.
Although they have so many forest resources, they seldom cut down trees on their own land to make disposable chopsticks, most of which are imported from China
The disposable chopsticks produced in Japan not only have many steps but also need to go through many strict processing procedures before they can finally enter the market for human use.
Although the quality is much better than the imported one, it will greatly increase the production cost.
Compared with the price of imported chopsticks from China, the price of their own disposable chopsticks has increased dozens of times.
Therefore, few Japanese people foolishly buy their own chopsticks
It has to be said that although China's disposable chopsticks to the sunrise bring income and employment opportunities to some places, at the same time, this industry also brings many problems to China
Different from the "thinning" method adopted in Japan, most of China's forest cutting adopts the "one daylighting" method, which should be said to be a destructive cutting of existing forest resources.
Due to the lack of follow-up tree planting, the original renewable forest resources have become one-off resources.
This is a great waste of China's forestry resources
Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment, so it is necessary to reduce the use of chopsticks
And what do you think of such a thing? Tell me what you think!
