
Disposable chopsticks have a series of problems such as health and environmental protection.

On February 28, after this article published "Industrial hydrogen peroxide cooking, paraffin polishing and polishing, and disposable chopsticks are plagued with diseases", the relevant departments of Anji County, Zhejiang Province immediately closed the relevant enterprises, and the Shanghai Food and Drug Administration stated that it would organize special sampling inspections in the near future. Some experts have suggested that disposable chopsticks are a backward product, and the ban is a trend in the future. The comprehensive ban on the use of disposable chopsticks in restaurants is a safe and environmentally friendly measure that is worthy of research by relevant departments in Shanghai.
Youth Daily reporter Ye Songli
Luanji Poisonous Chopsticks Factory Filed for Investigation
There are three major problems in the production process
Lu Feng, secretary of the Quality Supervision Bureau of Anji County, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province, told this reporter that after the Japanese newspaper reported on February 28 that some companies in the county had used non-food-grade additives in the production of disposable bamboo chopsticks, Immediately organized a special rectification action for one-time bamboo chopsticks production enterprises, sealed up the relevant enterprises after investigation and evidence collection, and transferred them to relevant departments for investigation.
Poor sanitary conditions
Difficult to completely rectify family workshops
The reporter learned from the Anji County Quality Supervision Bureau that during this rectification operation, it was found that the sanitary conditions of the manufacturing enterprises were indeed bad. In terms of the production environment, raw materials and finished products are disorderly stacked, the workshop is not used rationally in accordance with the production process, business owners and employees have a weak concept of safe production and lack of awareness of health and hygiene. Workers in the packaging workshop did not adopt hygiene such as wearing masks and gloves Measures, chaos in living and production areas are serious.
Lu Feng analyzed the specific reasons for the problem to the reporter. First, there are many disposable bamboo chopsticks production enterprises, most of which are family workshop enterprises. The factory facilities are simple, the production scale is small, and there is no corresponding factory building. The workplace is residential. The second is that most enterprises have a large circulation of production workers, which is about 4 to 6 people, and the education and quality awareness of business owners and employees are not high; the third is that the profit margin is thin, and the ex-factory price of a pair of conventional bamboo chopsticks is 2 cents Double, its profit is in units of milliseconds, so profits are completely dependent on output to ensure that the average daily output of enterprises can reach 300,000 pairs.
Although since 2012, the bureau has been ordering relevant enterprises to make rectifications according to requirements, and the entire production environment has improved significantly. However, during daily inspections, it was still found that some enterprises were difficult to sustain and complete the rectification due to the impact of conditions.
Bamboo chopsticks are prone to mold
Illegal sulfur fumigation
From the data provided by relevant departments, the reporter found that in 2012 and 2013, Anji County conducted large-scale annual supervision and random inspection on disposable bamboo chopstick product manufacturers in the county. In 2012, a total of 125 enterprises produced 125 The batch of bamboo chopsticks was approved. In 2013, 104 batches of bamboo chopsticks produced by 104 companies were spot-checked. According to the requirements of the national standard "Disposable Chopsticks Part 2: Bamboo Chopsticks", physical and chemical indicators and microbiological indicators are tested. From the overall results of spot checks, the main problems of unqualified products are unqualified moisture content and unqualified mold.
According to the national standard, the moisture content of disposable bamboo chopsticks is 10%. In the 2012 spot check, not only 15 batches of samples did not meet the national standards, but also 79 batches of samples had a moisture content of about 10%, which was critical. , Accounting for 63.2% of the total number of supervision and spot checks. The moisture content is more than 10%, which is prone to mildew. In the supervision and random inspection, the quality supervision department found that there were 1 batch of mold and 2 batches of mold, which did not meet the requirements of national standards. (See table for specific criteria)
The main reasons for the failure are: The chemical composition of Moso bamboo contains a lot of nutrients, so disposable bamboo chopsticks are produced in rainy weather, or the environmental humidity is high, and it is easy to breed microorganisms and mold. Also, during the production process, Problems with sanitary conditions have caused pollution.
It is precisely because of mold-prone that the production enterprises use sulfur fumigation and industrial hydrogen peroxide immersion to ensure product quality. The reporter noticed that in the two sampling inspections in Anji County, there were no reports on the detection of illegal additives such as sulfur and industrial hydrogen peroxide. Relevant sources told reporters that the basis for testing by the quality supervision department is the items specified in the national standard. There is no standard for items outside the national standard, so they are not tested.
Use of contraband
Relevant departments have no testing standards
Lu Feng said that they will take three measures next. One is to urge enterprises to improve the production environment and improve related processes, especially the warehouse for raw materials and finished products, production and packaging workshops, and increase equipment to control the moisture content of bamboo chopsticks. The second is to keep a record of the use of food-grade hydrogen peroxide, talcum powder, paraffin, and other additives. A number of companies have set up a laboratory in the same township to increase water content and mold factory inspection. Third, according to the relevant technical specifications, rectify disposable bamboo chopsticks production enterprises, shut down non-compliant enterprises, speed up the transformation and upgrade of disposable bamboo chopsticks production enterprises, and require manufacturers to package chopsticks to remind consumers to use them. Wash and disinfect before.
According to Lu Feng, some problems in some manufacturers in Anji County are also related to the randomness of raw material procurement and the inability to identify the raw materials of bamboo chopsticks treated with industrial hydrogen peroxide. Disposable bamboo chopsticks are general light industrial products. Manufacturers use non-food grade raw and auxiliary materials, but the country has no corresponding punishment basis and testing standards. To solve these hidden dangers, it is recommended that the relevant higher authorities formulate standards for the detection and identification of industrial hydrogen peroxide bamboo silk, and formulate relevant administrative regulations and rules.
Shanghai will carry out special sampling inspection
Can't control the table but can't control the factory
The relevant person in charge of the Shanghai Municipal Quality Supervision Bureau told this reporter that the Quality Supervision Bureau only supervises the production process of products. However, there is currently no one-time chopsticks manufacturing company in Shanghai, so they cannot supervise the source of production. Processing enterprises, however, the results of their random inspections were qualified.
Relevant persons in charge of the Shanghai Food and Drug Administration also stated that according to the relevant provisions of the Food Safety Law, disposable chopsticks are food-related products. If they find that there is a safety problem in the procurement and use of the catering unit, they will supervise the catering unit immediately Use and destroy. A catering business owner told reporters that in related inspections of restaurants, disposable chopsticks are not a routine spot check item. Unless someone reports an accident due to disposable chopsticks, the relevant department will conduct an inspection.
Less sampling and no detected prohibited ingredients
In a written interview with this newspaper, Shanghai Food and Drug Administration stated that in their daily supervision and inspection, the main contents include: whether the catering unit's procurement channels are legal, whether to verify the supplier's qualifications, whether to obtain purchase vouchers and establish a ledger, and the products purchased Whether the packaging and marking meet the requirements.
The Bureau included food-related products in its annual special sampling inspection plan. In 2012, it arranged a one-time meal box sampling inspection. In 2013, it arranged a special sampling inspection of dishwashing detergents and food packaging paper. Relevant personnel of the bureau said that they would conduct special inspections and special spot checks of disposable chopsticks in the near future based on the clues reflected in this newspaper.
However, the reporter found from the response letter of the relevant department that since 2012, the relevant product quality supervision department has carried out random inspections on disposable chopsticks. In the face of the huge market usage in Shanghai, only two batches were tested. Sulfur dioxide leaching amount, coliform bacteria, Salmonella, Shigella, Staphylococcus aureus, hemolytic streptococcus, mold, and other items, the test results show that all indicators are qualified, the pass rate is 100%.
Relevant person in charge of Anji County Quality Supervision Bureau said that items such as thiabenzimidazole, o-phenyl phenol, biphenyl, and imazalil, which have prescribed limits in the standard, have not been detected in previous supervision and random inspections because they have the functions of sterilization, antisepsis, and insect repellent are replaced by hydrogen peroxide or sulfur. The auxiliary materials in the above test items were not used by the manufacturer at all, and there was no problem of exceeding the standard. Supervisory authorities check according to the requirements of the standard, and it is reasonable to have a sampling pass rate of 100%, which does not mean that disposable chopsticks are safe and qualified.
Fast food is the hardest-hit area, the lower the consumption, the more common
On the morning of March 7th, when the reporter went to a fast-food box lunch company in Jungong Road for an interview, he met a food delivery master who was going to deliver a "barrel of rice" to a nearby construction site. They packed their meals in insulated buckets of various sizes, then stuffed out a plastic bag of disposable bamboo chopsticks from the kitchen and left in the car. "We don't need to use disposable chopsticks?" A female staff member said, "Do we also require migrant workers on the construction site to bring their own guys to eat?"
In another boxed lunch company on Jungong Road, boss Li told reporters that if they are serving the society, they must use chopsticks once, but they mainly do school and send nutritional lunches to students instead of disposable chopsticks. "Teachers talk about environmental protection to students every day and ask students to bring their own chopsticks and spoons. Besides, we do n’t know if disposable chopsticks are safe and healthy.
The reporter learned from the data released by relevant departments that by December 2013, there were 132,000 social box lunches and 25,500 barrel meals in Shanghai that could be heated or refrigerated every day. There were 147 social box lunch and barrel meal production companies. The production capacity ranges from 1,000 to 15,000; 5 social lunch companies can be sold through the circulation field, with a daily supply of 840,000; 141 companies specializing in the production of barrel rice, with a daily supply of 384,500.
The reporter initiated a questionnaire survey to the class members through the survey network. The 173 questionnaires returned showed that more than 90% of the respondents used disposable chopsticks, and 46% of the respondents had disposable canteens in the unit.
The theory of relativity 1
Operator vs Consumer
Protect operators or consumers?
Counterparty ban will increase operating costs
The owner of a fast-food restaurant in Xinzha Road told reporters that their daily use of disposable chopsticks is about 700 pairs, and the cost of expenditure does not exceed 30 yuan. If these chopsticks are disabled, at least one employee will be added. The owner of another fast-food restaurant said that if they do not use disposable chopsticks, they have to add at least a large-capacity disinfection cabinet, which not only increases costs but also has no place to put.
The boss said that their takeaway business is also inseparable from disposable chopsticks. "For a takeaway, we can afford a pair of 3 cents chopsticks. But if it is disabled, we have to set a pair of 1 yuan chopsticks and put the money in the meal. Will the takeaway price increase?"
The owner of the family's raw fried shop said that there are very few customers who eat tang. Even if they are paired with a good pair of chopsticks, they will lose it after eating. Isn't it a waste? "
Using disposable chopsticks will do more harm than good
At a restaurant in Jufengyuan Road, a third-year student from Shanghai University, Zhao Xiang, told reporters, "Our school is full of disposable chopsticks everywhere in the morning and at night during business hours. Disposable bins are also full." When it comes to convenience, it is convenient for catering operators. When it comes to cheap, it also reduces the cost of catering operators. If it is banned, it will have no impact on consumers.
On March 14th, Feng Heng, chairman of the Sichuan University Green Seeds Environmental Protection Association who came to Shanghai to participate in environmental protection public welfare activities, issued a proposal to college students' environmental protection organizations after seeing this report, calling on everyone to resist disposable chopsticks. Teacher Fu Chen of Fudan University said that according to the report of this newspaper, the school will discuss the hygiene of disposable chopsticks in a recent food safety lecture.
Relativity 2
Industrial institutions VS related scholars
Does it protect the local industry or the ecological environment?
Relates to local socio-economic
The relevant person in charge of the Quality Supervision Bureau of Luanji County said that Anji County is a large county in the bamboo industry and the history of bamboo chopsticks production is long. It has started in 2000. Beginning in 2004, one-off bamboo chopsticks manufacturing enterprises bloomed all over the place, with a maximum of more than 150 companies, which has formed a certain scale.
Qiongzhu industry has become the county's characteristic pillar industry, solving many labor employment and raising the income of ordinary people. Lu Feng said that if the county compulsorily shuts down the one-time bamboo chopsticks industry, it will have a great impact on the lives of a large number of people engaged in this industry, and it will affect the healthy development of the upstream and downstream of the bamboo industry. County social stability has a major impact.
Wu Lufeng said that the county has been committed to the deep development of bamboo and strived to increase its economic added value. However, the county's bamboo products are relatively single, and they have not developed more bamboo raw materials for other uses. This is one of the county's current research efforts in the bamboo industry.
Xi Zhengfang Industry production should be eliminated as soon as possible
Professor Yang Xin, head of the Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Fudan University, told our reporter that he saw some Chinese restaurants in the United States basically use disposable plastic chopsticks, as well as disposable chopsticks made of bamboo, but relatively few.
Professor Yang Yang said that now everyone agrees that using wood for disposable chopsticks will directly reduce the forest coverage rate in China, and we will accept it if we do not produce or use disposable wooden chopsticks. But bamboo belongs to the herb, strong regeneration ability, fast growth and little impact on forest coverage. Disposable bamboo chopsticks have now become the mainstream of this industry. Professor Yang believes that the current disadvantages of disposable bamboo chopsticks are mainly reflected in the three aspects of resource consumption, environmental pollution and poor quality of bamboo chopsticks.
Director of the Department of Environmental Hygiene, School of Public Health, Fudan University, Professor Bo Haidong also believes that the disposable bamboo chopsticks have a simple production process and low technical content, and are mostly produced in small workshops. Some companies use non-food-grade auxiliary materials. From a perspective, it should also be banned. As for the impact on the local industry, it can be resolved by reinvestment.
Professor Wu Haidong believes that relevant management departments should increase the monitoring frequency, promptly publish monitoring results through authoritative channels, and provide consumers with health and safety tips. Both professors believe that manufacturers of disposable tableware should be eliminated as soon as possible, at least their production and operation behavior is not worth encouraging.
The theory of relativity 3
Department of Management VS People's Congress
Amend the national standard or prohibit it by legislation?
Anti-party national standard 9 years unmodified adverse supervision
The quality inspection department of Luanji County believes that the current supervision of disposable chopsticks is difficult and there are factors that lag behind the standard, so it cannot be banned.
Before the county's rectification of disposable bamboo chopsticks manufacturers in 2012, many enterprises used industrial-grade hydrogen peroxide, talc, paraffin, and other additives due to cost reasons. After the rectification, the county's production enterprises use food-grade hydrogen peroxide or sulfur for bleaching and sterilization and use food-grade talc or paraffin for polishing. (Some local enterprises may also use sodium metabisulfite and chlorine for bleaching during the production process. ). The national standard "Disposable Chopsticks Part 2: Bamboo Chopsticks" only specifies the limit of the amount of sulfur dioxide leaching, does not specify the limits and detection methods of additives such as hydrogen peroxide, talc, paraffin and related items, and the method of detecting the amount of sulfur dioxide leaching Distinguish between food grade and industrial grade sulfur. In addition, the national standard does not specify the packaging and labeling of disposable bamboo chopsticks, and non-food-grade plastics may be used for packaging.
The relevant person in charge of the bureau said that the current national standard for disposable chopsticks was formulated in 2005 and has a history of 9 years. Some indicators are no longer suitable for the current industrial development, including the possible safety impacts of hydrogen peroxide, sulfur, paraffin, and talcum powder. The original standards did not require testing; some of the microbial project indicators in the standard and sample preparation during microbial testing There is a certain contradiction in the referenced testing methods, and there is no random inspection of alternative auxiliary materials used by manufacturers. Therefore, the Bureau of Quality Supervision recommended that experts be organized to discuss current standards for disposable bamboo chopsticks in a timely manner, conduct a risk assessment of the use of some additives, and recommend relevant departments to revise the standards.
Calling is a good thing
Since disposable chopsticks have lagging standards, difficult supervision, unknown responsibilities, and strong consumer opinions, Professor Zheng Shaohua, dean of the Law School of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics and representative of the Yangpu District People's Congress, said that Shanghai should suspend disposable chopsticks in the form of local regulations. This not only saves administrative costs but also protects environmental resources and protects the health of citizens.
Professor Zheng Zheng said that, as far as the current written law is concerned, there is no specific law applicable to disposable chopsticks. At present, supervision is implemented in accordance with local regulations in China. These local administrative measures are not universally binding. Even after a security incident, the court will not invoke these local regulations when trying related cases. Professor Zheng urged that no matter from which point of view, the management of disposable chopsticks should be made available as soon as possible.
The reporter learned that, on December 1, 2011, Shaanxi Province introduced the first domestic regulations on the health hazards and environmental protection issues of disposable chopsticks. According to the "Regulations on Promotion of Circular Economy in Shaanxi Province", the catering industry is prohibited from providing to customers For disposable chopsticks, the food and drug supervision and administration department shall order correction within a time limit for those who violate the regulations. If they do not make corrections within the time limit, they will be fined 500 to 2,000 yuan for catering enterprises and 50 to 200 yuan for individual catering operators. fine. Professor Zheng said that this local law in Shaanxi has a statutory regulatory unit, has clear penalties, is serious and systematic, and is worthy of reference by relevant departments in Shanghai. You can first draft an "administrative measure" or "temporary measure" and submit The Shanghai Municipal People's Congress passed to guide work.
It is understood that, as early as October 2000 at the "Green Marketing and Business Development" seminar held by the Shanghai Commercial Committee, the main commercial streets, and hotels in Shanghai will gradually eliminate the use of disposable chopsticks. Professor Zheng said that it is true that disposable chopsticks are rarely seen in the above-mentioned places. It can be seen that the relevant departments can still manage the results if they carefully manage them.
Professor Zheng said that disposable chopsticks originated in Japan, but less than 3% of the total domestic production in Japan and imports from China accounted for 99% of the country ’s total imports. Disposable chopsticks are actually a backward product, and The concepts of environmental resources and sustainable development have deviated, so the prohibition of circulation is a trend.
GB19790.2-2005 "Disposable chopsticks Part 2: Bamboo chopsticks" related standards
  Sensory requirements
Disposable bamboo chopsticks should be clean and smooth, and no burrs are allowed within 6CM of the contact end with food. No pollution, no odor, no insects, no mildew, no decay, no cracks.
Microbial indicators
Project indicators
Coliform bacteria / (MPN / 50c) Not detectable
Pathogenic bacteria can not be detected
Paecilomyces fungus / (cfu / g) 50
Physical and chemical indicators
Project indicators
Moisture content / (%) 10
Panthiabenzimidazole / (mg / kg) 10
Phenylbenzylbenzene / (mg / kg) 10
Coupling stupid / (mg / kg) 10
Ibuprofen / (mg / kg) 10
Sulfur dioxide leaching amount (SO2) / (mg / kg) 600
Other indicators
The auxiliary materials used in the processing of disposable bamboo chopsticks should be food additives allowed by national standards.
