
Disposable chopsticks actually have a shelf life! Three tricks to teach you to stay away from dirty chopsticks.

Every time I go to the restaurant

Bring your own chopsticks in a greasy restaurant

And unopened disposable chopsticks

Many people choose to use disposable chopsticks

Innocent appearance

I feel relieved when I look at it

But in fact

Often use disposable chopsticks

Some damage to human health

And do you guys know

Chopsticks also have a shelf life

Look at

1. The shelf life of disposable chopsticks

According to the relevant standards, disposable chopsticks must be marked with a valid date of production and shelf life during the production process to avoid overdue storage and mildew.

But now many chopsticks on the market come from informal small workshops, and the materials used are poor. And in order to look clean, a lot of chemicals are used to soak. In doing so, it is easy to cause the excess to exceed the standard and cause harm to the human body.

In addition, some chopsticks have not undergone strict sterilization and can easily produce a large amount of E. coli, causing symptoms of diarrhea.

2.Several ways to reduce harm

Do not use disposable chopsticks

The best way is, of course, to choose not to use it. If possible, try to choose your own chopsticks to avoid injury.

Using disinfected chopsticks

The chopsticks in the restaurant are generally disinfected in a disinfection cabinet. If the restaurant conditions are safe, you can choose the disinfected chopsticks.

Wash before use

If you must use it, you can rinse the surface of the chopsticks with boiling water, which can reduce the residue on the surface of the chopsticks to a certain extent. (Except moldy chopsticks)

3. Three tricks to teach you how to identify disposable chopsticks

Although there are many shortcomings of disposable chopsticks, they are inevitably used in life, so I will teach you a simple way to identify chopsticks: one smell, two views, three folds.

1. Smell the chopsticks first, don't use it if there is sour taste;

2. Check whether there is a production date on the outer packaging, whether there are abnormal black spots on the chopstick body, or whether the appearance is excessively bright. If so, do not use it;

3. try to fold, do not have the flexibility to break. After breaking, white and red inside appear, and the smell is not sharp;

Chopped chopsticks with slender fibers and elasticity, smooth surface and slight bamboo fragrance can be used safely after breaking.

By Best Chopsticks
